Robust SaaS Metrics

Grow your subscription business faster by giving your team live metrics on your most important asset—your subscriptions.

Active Customers

Understand your customer metrics, with monthly totals of both active customers and customer movements.


View MRR / ARR, with detailed breakdowns of MRR Movements for more granular information.

Issued Invoices

Track Invoices, including Due and Overdue, as well as Paid.

Future Bookings and Renewals

Understand expected revenue and see peaks and troughs of your expected-to-be-issued invoices and bookings.

Our Values & Vision

Our Mission

To provide the metrics, data, and analysis you need to grow your subscritpion business as quickly, effectively and efficiently as possible.

Driven by Data

We allow unlimited usage of our platform, including custom fields, custom tables, custom reporting, and custom dashboards, as well as our out-of-the-box features.

Unparalleled Connectivity

Connect to your billing system using our native connections, or import your data using any ETL, iPaaS, or CSV file.

Multiple Editions

Pick the edition and features that you need for your business, at a price-point you can afford.

Building a SaaS business is hard. We try to make it easier by providing the vital metrics you need to scale and grow your business, while saving you time.